James Spankie - Lake Stage - London Based 

1 - Who is your ‘must see’ performance at Latitude this year?

DELS without a shadow of doubt. He’s a visionary and one of the only good rappers happening right now. He’s also got an incredible live band and the greatest drummer I’ve seen for a long while.

2 - Not including items used in your performance, what is your ‘must-have’ festival item?

 I pack light. Give me a sleeping bag and I’ll be fine.

 3 - Do you have anything special planned for your performance at Latitude?

 I normally play solo, using loopers and samplers but that kind of performance lacks the immediacy needed to come across powerfully at a festival so I’ll be bringing a large band featuring 2 drummers and a small string ensemble. I’m sick of loopers anyway.

 4 - If you could have anyone (dead or alive) to introduce you onstage who would it be (and why)?

Natasha Schneider from Eleven. She did the spoken word part on Queens of The Stone Age’s ‘A Song for the Deaf’ It would be hilarious having her do that at the beginning of the show.

5 - If you have been to Latitude before what was your favourite memory, performance or special spot on site?

I remember ’07 when Arcade Fire played. They closed with ‘Wake Up’. It was one of the most powerful performances I’d ever seen. Once they finished, everyone was still singing the hook as they left the arena and filtered out in to the festival. This chorus completely filled the air. Absolutely magical.

6 - Latitude is…

…a homecoming. I’m from Suffolk originally. I’ve been to Latitude so many times because it was the local festival. I’ve wanted to play there for so long. It’s going to be great to finally step up.